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  • Writer's pictureSharon Young

Party Planning.

Updated: Nov 8, 2020

Gather around people, I have some brilliant news!

A couple of days ago me and my incredible housemates worked out that our one-year anniversary of living together, also falls on the same day as Easter. Obviously, we have decided to throw a stunning themed party. Then again, do we really need an excuse to round up all our crazy fabulous friends, to drink, eat and have a old good time! We only have 60 days to plan it, which might seem like a long time, but to us, that's only two paydays and a lot of procrastinating in-between.

The first thing on our to-do list is decorations; I want to go big, because I've never really done anything for Easter before. What has made this idea even more wonderful is the fact that me and Princess have decided to make our own. It's going to be messy, frustrating and we will probably have a moment where we regret it all, but in the end, it will all be worth it; because it’s going to be super fun! I have spent the last couple of days looking for places to gather supplies, I have found that Wilko's have some of the best deals for all our art and craft needs, just look at all this goodness...…We don't want to pretend we are going to make anything amazing, but we are definitely going to give it our best shot, (Princess, maybe we can shoot a crazy art attack inspired video...idea alert! Though, perhaps I should stick at one idea at a time…)

Next on my list is BALLOONS! Here’s a little secret; I have a tiny obsession with them. I've always ordered mine from Bubble Gum Balloons because the quality of them is out of this world, and the price is more than generous, I mean, just take a look at all these Easter themed ones, hell, check out the whole website...…I will also pick up some smaller once elsewhere, but I need one of these Easter bundles in my life!

Now, you can't have an Easter themed party without chocolate, can we? I am currently in the process of assembling my own Easter egg hunt. This won’t be the one where you must find as many eggs as possible, no, that's way too boring for us, we are going to make a game out of it, a drinking game of course. It will have questions and actions, and each right answer the winner will receive a "Golden Egg”, the more eggs, the more drinks, the more fun. With the remarkable deals I found on this website, I will be buying a good few...…I also might make a cake as well, I haven't baked in a while and I’ve been missing it lately. Maybe that will be more to celebrate the one year, but either way, there will be cake! I’ll also need to get some “Golden Eggs" for my moral filled beauties, so off to……I shall go too.

My final task is trying to convince the Family to dress up, I mean how funny would it be, look at these!...…I came across them by chance and I'm so glad I did, I think this would be hilarious! I'm definitely going to buy the egg one, and I think I can convince at least Princess and Marquess to dress up too. Even if the rest are no fun, we are going to look fabulous!

The next 60 days are going to fly by, and I'm so excited to start planning this event. The fact that this won’t just be about Easter, but it will also mark a remarkable moment in mine, Princess & Prince's journey so far. A whole year, it just doesn’t seem like enough time has passed! It’s true what they say, when you’re having fun. I have achieved so much, in so little time with their support, I think that’s why I want to mark this day with something special, because if it wasn't for these two incredible people in my life, I don't know where or what I would be doing right now.

So, who’s ready to party?!

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