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  • Writer's pictureSharon Young

A Propa Lush Party.

Updated: Nov 8, 2020

Did you know it's be 30 years since Lush gave us our first ever bath bomb! That's a whooping three decades of colours, oils and all the glitter we could ask for. In Japan they have created over 90 different bath bombs for their 30th anniversary launch, and the Lush Northampton staff got to choose 17 out of 50 of them to have in their stores just for us! Now don't worry if you come across one that you really want, which is not in your local store, be it from their retro collection, to any of their brand-new ones, because they can order any for you, or you can order them yourself off the website here.

The bath bomb trend is, in my opinion, one of the best trends to have ever come to our generation. Not only is it promoting hygiene, but self-care and self-love too. Wellbeing and mental health should be a topic shouted from the roof tops, and what's remarkable about Lush is it's all about relaxation and finding; you.

It's been about three years since my best friend first brought me a Lush bath bomb for my birthday, the same friend which joined me at the Lush Northampton 30th anniversary launch, (you can check out her blog here), and yes it really has only been three years since I was introduced to these amazing products, I know, I've missed out on a lot, but that's what has made this launch even more incredible for me, because I'm getting to see some of the products which have long gone off the shelves, products I never thought I would see again. 

A question I get asked a lot is, why would I spend more on a Lush bath bomb, when you could easily just pick up a cheaper one from the local supermarket. Firstly, I asked them if they are crazy? Because if you have ever used a Lush bath bomb before, you know there is nothing like them, but then I remember I used to feel the same way. So, my answer has become this; Lush products are just purely the best, they are worth every penny, cent or dime you want to spend on them. They turn a simple bath into something more...

Lush products don't just look stunning, they smell great and they feel amazing. These products have a way of helping you forget the bad week you've just had, they take away the stress of the day, they allow you to have a moment to yourself, a much needed one, a selfish one, even if it's just for an hour. With Lush products you get what you pay for, and until you’ve tried them yourself, you will never really know how beautiful they really are.

So, all I can say is go, go grab one today, go try it out for yourself, because after spending 20 odd years of my life without using them, I genuinely feel cheated.

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